Monday, May 6, 2013

Pain and Gain


Oh man, this movie was baaaaad.  I thought it would be an action packed Michael Bay movie, but it wasn't that action packed, wasn't funny, and dragged on for way too long.  There were about 30 people in the theater and at the 1 hour mark, 4 people smartly walked out.  I considered walking out and was pondering if I could get a refund because the movie was so bad.  At around the 1:30 mark, another handful of people walked out.  That's when the wife started beginning to get restless, and I started to look at my watch every 5 minutes.  I think I was more angry at the fact that I didn't fall asleep through this awful movie.  I kept thinking about the time I walked out on "The Brothers Grimm," and how I should have walked out at the 1 hour mark.  So just avoid this movie like the plague!  Btw, Marky Mark had to have used steroids to prep for this movie because he was ripped!

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