Friday, December 31, 2010


Point I Fell Asleep: 0:50 out of 1:40 (50%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Sorry Angelina, your beauty can't carry a movie anymore.  This movie was a mindless shoot 'em up movie.  I was never sure if her character was a good guy or a bad guy.  I kept going back and forth getting all confused, and eventually just fell asleep.  I woke up, missing a big chunk of the plot, rewinded the movie, got a little more enlightened, and then fell back asleep again until the last 2 minutes of the movie.  I swear it's talent.

Step Up 3

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So I watched this at home in 2D vs 3D, and really, I don't think I missed out on much.  I love these dance movies; you can always count on 2 things when watching dance movies: 1) the plot sucks.  It's synonymous with watching a porno; you just ignore the crappy plot and want to fast forward to all the action shots.  2) There's always 1 really hot chick (see Megan Good in "Stomp the Yard" and the 2 previous "Step Up" movies.)  Anyhow, this 3rd version definitely didn't disappoint in the dance department.  Of course the plot was horrible, but whatever, you're not watching pornos for the plot either.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Town

Point I Fell Asleep: 1:50 out of 2:30 (73%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So I watched the extended version of this movie, which turned out to be a mistake.  Even I thought it was too long at 2:30, and hence me falling asleep at 1:50.  I watched this movie w/o subtitles which for the most part was fine until Blake Lively started doing her horrendous Boston accent.  I couldn't understand a single word she said during the movie.  Anyone else disturbed at how great a crackwhore she played?  Anyway, I thought the movie was good; just don't watch the extra 30 minute extended version.  Stick to the 2 hour version, and it should be great.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Social Network

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I feel like I was last to the party to see this movie.  However, it was definitely worth the wait.  I thought the casting was perfect (although Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker seemed odd).  The writing was top notch.  The movie kept you interested for all 2 hours.  You know a movie is good when you pause the movie half way through to Google "Sean Parker" to see if he actually does look like Justin Timberlake or not.  And I had no idea Sean Parker owns 6-7% of Facebook for almost doing nothing.  This movie makes me almost want to read the book "The Accidental Billionaires" now.  Highly recommended.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Despicable Me

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Definitely one of the best movies of 2010 and one of the best animated movies of all time.  It's about an evil-doer played by Steve Carrell who adopts 3 kids to help him execute an evil plot.  I don't know if I'm getting soft in my old age, but I seem to prefer animated movies over stupid movies like "The Expendables."

Monday, December 13, 2010

Twilight: Eclipse

Point I Fell Asleep: 01:20 out of 2:04 (65%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Hey, if you've seen the first 2, you may as well finish the series right?  Of course this one was all about Team Jacob's shirtless body.  Actually, I watched this like 3 weeks ago and don't really remember much about the movie (yes, it was that good.)  I don't really recommend it unless you're pot-committed like I am.  Let's hope it ends with the 4th installment and doesn't go on forever like the Harry Potter series.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sex and the City 2

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

It was just as you would expect from a SATC movie; very cheesy, a couple of funny parts, and you roll your eyes throughout the entire movie.  Why they keep making these movies over 2 hours long is beside me.  Keep it at 1:45 and it'll be a better movie.  Btw, no straight guy should ever be forced to watch this stuff.  Watch it if you are already a SATC fan; pass like the plague if you've never seen SATC before.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Easy A

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Probably one of the better teenage movies I've seen lately.  It's about a high school girl, Emma Stone, who pretends to sleep with guys for money.  Movie was pretty original.  I thought the casting was superb; the parents were one of the coolest parents ever.  The movie wasn't as funny as I thought it would be, but it didn't matter because it was still great.  Highly recommended.

Lottery Ticket

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So this movie is about Bow Wow winning a $370 million dollar lottery ticket, and having to wait 3 days before he can cash it.  Of course the whole ghetto neighborhood finds out, and you can imagine all the trouble he gets into.  Anyhow, the movie was very reminscent of "Friday," but not nearly as good.  The movie was pretty stupid, and I don't recommend you watch it under any circumstance.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Four Lions

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

So I really don't like British comedies because quite honestly, the jokes aren't funny to me. However, this movie was a very witty, smart, and unintentionally funny movie.  It's about 4 Jihadists who try to become terrorists, but since they're idiots, it makes for a great comedic movie.  It wasn't laughing-out-loud funny, but I was definitely chuckling all throughout the movie.  By the way, I did watch the movie with subtitles turned on, which definitely helped.  Probably one of the top 10 movies of 2010.

17 Again

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:20 out of 1:42 (20%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

You know, this movie was actually pretty good.  It's similar to "Big" where Zac Effron's character regretted a choice he made in high school, and is magically transformed back to his young self and he gets a second chance to do things over again.  You sorta already know the plot and can predict the ending a mile away, but you still enjoy the ride.  I only fell asleep because it was late, but I watched the rest of it the next day and found myself enjoying the movie.  Of course I also like chick flicks, so take this review for what it's worth.

Knight and Day

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:20 out of 1:49 (18%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Probably one of the worst movies of 2010.  Cameron Diaz is too old and ugly to play this part, and Tom Cruise is too good for a movie like this.  It took me 3 different occassions to finish this movie because it was so bad.  My biggest gripe about movies is when you have 20 bad guys shooting at the hero and he dodges all the bullets, but then he'll turn around a corner and can pick off 5 bad guys with single shots.  It's like..c'mon now.  And to make it even worse, when you have the heroine who has never fired a gun before be able to kill a handful of bad guys herself.  It's just too ludicrous.  Seriously.  Just avoid this movie!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Point I Fell Asleep: 1:00 out of 1:52 (54%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So I had high hopes for this movie since I just recently read the comic book series, and I had heard good things about the movie.  The movie started out pretty good, but for some reason, it got kind of old, and that's when I fell asleep.  I will note that I fell asleep while reading the comic books too.  If you don't know already, this movie is about a kid who starts dating this girl, and to continue dating her, she has to defeat her 7 evil ex-boyfriends.  I thought the movie was cleverly made and stuck to the comic book script.  Maybe it was because I already knew the ending that caused me to fall asleep.  I don't know; I'd wait for the Netflix on this movie.  Definitely don't own it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Grown Ups

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I haven't seen an all star comedy cast like this since the Chris Rock funeral movie "Death at a Funeral."  While Death wasn't funny at all, this one was actually funny.  Not haha funny the entire movie, but there were moments that had me laughing out loud, which in this day and age, is impressive in itself.  I think guys will enjoy this movie more than women since there are some fart jokes in the movie.  Like I said, there are some funny quips through the movie and some forced comedy, but I'll take an Adam Sandler movie any day over a Judd Apatow movie.  Recommended if you're a guy; pass if you're a girl.

Toy Story 3

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

C'mon now, you can't go wrong with Toy Story.  However, at times, I did have moments of deja vu where I swore I've seen parts of it before.  Was it the best Toy Story movie?  No.  Was it original?  No.  Did they exploit the franchise to make an unncessary sequel just to make money?  Yes.  Do I still recommend it after all those flaws?  Yes.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Point I Zoned Out: 0:15 out of 1:30 (17%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

Fifteen minutes into the movie, I knew I needed to be doing something else.  You can NOT give this movie your full undivided attention or you will be very angry at yourself.  I loved the MacGruber skits on SNL, but it just did not translate well to a full movie.  At the end of every 2 minute SNL skit, MacGruber dies.  That's what made the skits funny.  If he can't die for 90 minutes, it's just not funny.  I eventually turned it off at the one hour mark.  Just don't even bother watching this aweful aweful movie.

Iron Man 2

Point I Fell Asleep: 1:30 out of 2:04 (73%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I was getting worried there that I hadn't slept during a movie in a while, thus making the premise of this blog irrelevant.  Thank goodness this movie was there to save me.  Let me just say that I did NOT like the first one; I don't know why so many people liked it.  I don't like the character's smugness and arrogance and just didn't find the movie entertaining.  However, when I started watching this sequel, I was thinking to myself, "Okay, it's not that bad.  I might actually be enjoying this."  Then out of nowhere...zzzzzzzzzzz.   By the way, after watching Jessica Alba and Scarlett Johansson back to back, ScarJo dominates Jessica Alba!  She's definitely hotter than Jessica.  If you enjoyed the first one, you may enjoy this one as well.  However, I felt there was just too much CGI in this one compared to the first one, so you may not enjoy it as much.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Jackass 3D

Location: Theater
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Probably one of the funniest movies I've seen in a loooong time; I was laughing throughout the entire movie.  Of course, you have to be a Jackass fan, or you'd find it gross and reprehensible.  But if you are a fan, you'd enjoy this as much as the other 2 movies.  I thought the 3D was just a gimmick, but it really did add to the viewing experience.  Definitely recommend you watch it but wait for the Netflix rental. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Killer Inside Me

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime
IMDB: http://http//

Let's face it.  The only reason I watched this movie was because Jessica Alba was in it.  And she wasn't even that hot in it.  Her character didn't wear makeup and so she wasn't very flattering.  However, she did have some great love scenes in it, but once again, they were all a tease since she doesn't show the goods.  About half way through the movie, my mind started to wander and I contemplated just stopping the movie.  But then, just as I was about to stop it, a plot twist!  So I got suckered into watching it till the end, and then I got angry because it was one of the worst endings I've ever seen.  Just stay away from this movie.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Jonah Hex

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Man, this movie started out great!  I loved the premise, the special effects, the makeup on Josh Brolin, Josh's acting, etc.  But then Meagan Fox appeared and the shit hit the fan.  She was NOT needed for this movie; in fact, it would have been better without her.  It immediately started off bad because you could see the airbrushing and Photoshopping (Yes, I know you can't Photoshop video) that they did for every closeup on her face (bad complexion perhaps?).  Then the camera would pan to Josh Brolin and it's "raw" footage.  Anyhow, if you want to enjoy the movie, you should either fall asleep or turn off the movie around the midway point.  Then you'll love it, else you'll hate it.

Get Him to the Greek

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

You know, there were some funny parts in this movie, and then there were a lot of stupid parts.  The plot had to have been one of the stupidest I've seen in a while - the fat guy has to get Russel Brand's character to a concert in time.  What is this?  "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure?"  The funniest character in the movie happened to be Puff Daddy.  He was like Tom Cruise in "Tropic Thunder."  Every time he was on screen, I laughed.  I don't this movie when you're under the influence maybe?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Stomp the Yard 2: Homecoming

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Definitely the worst dance movie I've seen in a while.  The problem with this sequel is that it didn't have Meagan Good. Sure, watching the dance steps were cool and Twitch added some value to the movie, but the plot line was inferior to the first movie.  It was hard for me to root for the main character; he wasn't personable and you sorta wanted him to fail.  Just a bad bad movie.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's Kind of a Funny Story

Location: Theater
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

This movie reminded me of "500 Days of Summer."  You know how when you're flying internationally and have video on demand in your chair, there's always that one artsy-fartsy movie that you don't watch because you'd rather watch "Iron Man 2?"  Yes, this would be one of those movies.  Or if you were forced to watch it on the airplane, you'd be reading Skymall at the same time and only listening to the dialogue.  Sure enough, I found my mind wandering for 90% of the movie.  The movie is about a kid who is suicidal and decides to check into a mental hospital and meets crazy people that wind up inspiring him.  Watch it if you're a fan of Zach Galianafiakas or "500 Days of Summer," but only on a plane or a Netflix queue.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Location: Theater
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

First off, if you watched the first one, you'll feel obligated to watch this one.  And I'm going to tell you now - it didn't suck.  It's not as good as the first one, but you won't be angry you spent money on it.  I don't want to give too much away so I won't go into too much detail.  Basically, after the first movie, Gordon spent 5 years in litigation and spent 8 years in jail.  He comes out and now it's 7 years later.  Apparently he had a daughter somewhere and she's dating Shia.  Shia works for basically Lehman Brothers, meets Gordon, and that's that.  You'll have to watch the rest of the movie. 

***** SPOILER ALERT *****

The ending was one of the most rushed, awkward endings I've seen in a long time.  I hope there are multiple endings and they are doing test screenings on which one works best because that ending was horrible.

***** SPOILER ALERT *****

Wall Street

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

For some reason, I always thought Tom Cruise was in this movie.  I knew Michael Douglas was, but didn't know Charlie Sheen was the other male lead in the movie.  I guess I must have confused this movie with "The Firm."  Anyhow, this was my first time watching this movie (I'm preparing for the sequel tonight) and had heard good things about it.  Sure enough, it didn't disappoint.  I found it disturbing that stocks were traded in 1/8 of a dollar not more than 15 years ago when today, I've bought stocks in the hundredth's decimal place.  I also loved the brick of a cell phone that Michael Douglas was using.  I just hope the sequel lives up to the original.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Location: Theater
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Ryan Reynolds stuck in a coffin for 90 minutes. Yes, that's what this movie was about. I don't know how this movie got 8.8 stars on IMDB; must be the movie studios spamming the site before the movie is released. That or people who viewed the free movie screenings are giving it 10 stars because they didn't have to pay to watch it, which by the way, is the only way to watch this movie. C'mon let's get real here. People who are claustrophobic shouldn't watch this movie. Even I started to get jittery in my seat. And my ADD kicked in and I wanted something else to happen besides watching Ryan stuck in the coffin for 90 minutes. At first, I thought it was cool because it's one of those "what would you do" type of movies? Then after 15 minutes, I realized, "Oh shit, he's just f***ed." And you get 90 minutes of that. Let's face it - if Ryan Reynolds didn't play the part, this movie would go straight to DVD. Don't waste your money; wait for the Netflix or RENT IT. Don't buy it because you'll never watch it again!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Robin Hood

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Be prepared for a two and a half hour epic! I wasn't sure what to expect out of this movie since I hadn't read any reviews on it. It's the same duo that made "Gladiator" - Ridley Scott and Russel Crowe, so I figured it'd have to be good. I already knew the story, but somehow, the first 45 minutes still confused it. I finally figured out what was going on after a plot turning point. That's also when I decided to turn on subtitles because Russel kind of slurs his words. Anyhow, the last 1:45 wasn't bad. I still prefer the Kevin Costner version better though. Heck, I'll even take the "Men in Tights" version. I think the movie would have been better off if it wasn't Robin Hood since it was very very loosely based on the story that you're familiar with. All they had to do was change the names of the characters, and the movie would have done fine on its own. But anyway, I still recommend the movie if you're a Ridley/Russel/epic movie fan.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Open Water 2: Adrift

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So I remember watching the first one and not really hating it, and so I decided to watch this "sequel." I think you already know the premise of the movie - people are stranded out in the ocean with little chance of rescue. I was pretty frustrated with the people for not really trying harder to stay alive; I know I certainly would have tried other things that they didn't try, which I'll put in the spoilers section below. All in all, I wasn't angry at myself for wasting time watching the movie; so I'd say it's worth a Netflix queue.

***** SPOILER ALERT *****

1. First off, you know how when you were little kids playing in the pool with your friends, what was the first game you'd play? Let's see how high we can jump! And by accomplishing that, you'd have 2 of your buddies cupping their hands, you standing in them, and them propelling you up. Done. They woulda gotten back in the boat.

2. When they tied the clothes together and threw it on the boat...wouldn't it have made sense to let the SKINNIEST girl climb on it instead of the 200 lb guy?

3. Uhhhh you had a knife and there was a hatch. Pry the hatch! Done.

***** SPOILER ALERT *****

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Karate Kid

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

Sure, I already knew how the movie was going to end before I even watched it. But you know what, the journey wasn't that bad. I thought the casting was perfect with Jackie Chan, Jaden Smith, the fobby but cute Chinese girl, and even mini-Bolo (from "Bloodsport" fame.) Sure, some of the fight scenes were ridiculous, but overall, it was much better than I expected.

Stomp the Yard

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

I guess I'm on my "dance" movie streak. I kept comparing this movie to "Step Up 2," and I've come to the conclusion that I liked "Step Up 2" better. I think the acting and casting were better in SU2. As for the dancing, although I do enjoy stomping quite a bit, I like the freestyle dancing better. However, I've also come to the conclusion that Meagan Good is currently the hottest black female. Sorry Beyonce. Sorry Halle. Sorry Rihanna. I mean, Meagan Good can carry this movie all by herself. That's how hot she is. Of course, if you're a dance movie fan, this is a must see.


Point I Fell Asleep: 0:40 out of 1:40 (40%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

This movie started out strong, but then the plot dragged on like a snail up a telephone pole. By the time I fell asleep, I was STILL waiting for the plot twist. Needless to say, the movie wasn't that good. However, I'm usually not a fan of Katherine Heigl, but she was looking mighty good in this movie.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

If you want to watch a mindless, plotless, CGI-filled movie, then this is the movie for you. Reminiscent of all sand-filled movies like "Scorpion King" or "The Mummy" or "Tomb Raider," this movie is what you would expect from that genre. The movie started off interesting and fun, but 3/4 of the way through, I just wish that it would just end. Barely worth a Netflix queue.

I Love You Phillip Morris

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:50 out of 1:37 (52%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

I don't know what to make of this movie. Jim Carrey plays a gay conman who falls in love with Ewan McGregor's character. The movie started out funny, but then it got a little slow and I dozed off. I woke up later and didn't really care for the rest of the movie. I don't know how this movie got a 6.8 IMDB rating. This has to be Jim Carrey's 2nd worst movie of all time, right behind "The Cable Guy." And I'm going to devalue all Ewan McGregor movies from now on.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Step Up 2: The Streets

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Now this was the movie I was expecting. Besides "Honey" which starred Jessica Alba, this may be the best dance movie of all time. It had lots of dancing in it, the lead actress was a poor man's Jessica Alba, and it didn't bother with a complicated plot. I enjoyed the movie from beginning to end, and the last dance sequence was just SICK!

Step Up

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So it took me a while to find and watch the 2 "Step Up" movies. I started off with the first one, and around the midway point, the movie wasn't what I expected. It didn't have enough dancing in it; it was more like a romantic movie (better yet, a poor man's version of the Julia Stiles movie). I found myself hoping the movie would speed along and end so I could watch the 2nd movie. So really, just pass on this one and go straight to the sequel.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Last Exorcism

Location: Theater
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Another day, another free movie screening. So after watching the trailer for this movie, I thought this movie was going to be the typical scary movie. However, it turned out to be a documentary style "scary" movie like "Paranormal Activity." I won't ruin the movie for you, but it had me on the edge of my seat a couple of times, and it was also funny at times. I don't know if this will be how scary movies will be shot from now on (1st person point of view), but it certainly adds a lot more suspense than the typical scary movies of old. All in all, I don't think I'd waste money at the theater for it, but then again, it'd probably be more scary watching in the theater than in the comfort of your house.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Switch

Location: Theater
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

In an effort to boost readership and relevancy, I'm going to start reviewing movies before they hit theaters. So I went to a movie screening for this tonight, and after watching the trailers on TV, I came in with really low expectations. So the movie is about Jennifer Aniston's character getting old and wanting a baby, and Jason Bateman's her BFF who tells her not to do it. Anyway, she decides to do it, and I won't ruin the movie for you, but you can figure out why the movie is called "The Switch." Anyhow, the movie was a lot funnier than most intentional comedies. At first I thought Jennifer Aniston was too old and Jason Bateman was...I guess too old too... but they eventually grew on me throughout the movie. Of course the little kid stole the movie. And every time Jeff Goldblum or Juliette Lewis was on screen, you were guaranteed at least a chuckle. It's a great date movie; guys will find it humorous, and you won't feel ripped off if you paid full price at the theaters. I'd slap a "recommended" stamp on this movie if it weren't so cliche'd and you couldn't see the ending from a mile away.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Super High Me

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:50 out of 1:29 (56%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

So this movie is about a comedian named Doug Benson who wanted to do a documentary about getting high for 30 straight days (similar to "Super Size Me.") The movie is pretty funny. Before he goes on his binge, Doug goes to a doctor to do aptitude tests like taking the SAT's, lung capacity, sperm count, and even a psychic test. Then midway through his 30 day smoking binge, he performs the same tests to see if there were any long term effects. The movie was funny at times (when it shows his onstage act), boring at times (him doing nothing all day) and even informative at times (I wasn't aware that although California has legalized medical marijuana shops, it's still a federal crime, so the DEA can and will bust these shops). After watching the movie, now I even more strongly believe that marijuana should be legalized. C'mon, alcohol is more dangerous than getting high. When you drink, you could drink and drive, whereas if you get high, you just want to eat and pass out. Plus, you can cause permanent liver damage with alcohol, and last I checked, you can't die because you got stupider [from smoking too much]. Anyway, it's a good informative movie; worth a Netflix queue.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Death at a Funeral

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

How can you go wrong with Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence, and Tracy Morgan right? Definitely a plane movie. You get some laughs here and there, but not funny enough to actually pay for.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Clash of the Titans

Point I Fell Asleep: 1:20 out of 1:46 (38%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Sometimes you just want to watch a mindless CGI-filled movie. As the movie was going on, I was getting more and more impressed that I hadn't fallen asleep yet. Then out of nowhere, right before the Kraken was released, it was game over. I did wake up shortly after, but didn't feel the need to rewind the movie. This movie was like a poor man's "300." I definitely enjoyed it more than "Percy Jackson." Make sure you watch the movie on a big screen with surround sound else it'd be a pretty boring movie.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Time Travelers Wife

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I'm always intrigued by time traveling movies because it's always interesting to see how the movie deals with how a change in the past affects the present (or alternate present). So this movie is about a guy who uncontrollably keeps time traveling to the past and the future, but supposedly can't "change" anything. However, by the end of the movie, you start to go, "But he......" If you can get past that though, the movie was actually enjoyable. Rachel McAdams is a hottie, and I think I would have preferred a younger actor than Eric Bana. Movie is definitely worth a Netflix queue, but I wouldn't go around recommending it to people.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Point I Fell Asleep: 0:45 out of 1:57 (38%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

I don't know; although this scores an 8.2 IMDB rating, I still fell asleep during the movie. I thought the movie was alright; I especially enjoyed the ending. Other than that, I really don't know what else to say about the movie.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:15 out of 1:34 (16%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

If there was a movie that should have been a Saturday morning TV show, it was this movie. I never read the books so I don't know how it compares to it, but for the movie itself, it wasn't that great. Maybe if I was a 10 year old boy, I'd enjoy it, but as an adult, I kept wondering when the movie would end.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dinner for Schmucks

Location: Theater
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So I got a free screening pass to this movie tonight. If you don't know what this movie is about (I didn't either before watching the movie), it's about this CEO who holds a weekly dinner at his house and his guests/buddies are supposed to invite an 'idiot.' Then everyone at the table laughs and makes fun of them. Yeah, I'm not sure how this movie got made either. Anyhow, the first 15 minutes were pretty funny, but then it just got stupid. You laughed here and there, but for the most part, I just felt awkward and bad for Steve Carrell (he was the idiot) and Paul Rudd (the person who had to deal with the idiot). I don't know; I'm not a fan of movies that make fun of stupid people. Sorry. Watch it on a plane or your Netflix queue, but don't waste your money on this movie. By the way, when the movie ended, some people were clapping and laughing, and I turned to David and asked him, "Why are people clapping? Was the movie good cuz I thought it was stupid." Sure enough, on my way out, I overheard a handful of people say, "it got stupid." Word.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Date Night

Point I Fell Asleep: 1:15 out of 1:44 (72%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

This movie is just what you expect from a Steve Carrell and Tina Fey comedy - a couple of laughs here and there, but nothing to write home about. This is your typical plane movie - you enjoy it, but you're glad you didn't pay to watch it.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Origin: Spirits of the Past

Point I Fell Asleep: 1:00 out of 1:35 (63%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

One of the best anime I've ever seen! Definitely in my Top 5 anime movies of all time. The first 10 minutes is confusing, but then the story is explained and everything makes sense. After that, it's all goodness. I only fell asleep because I was extremely tired. Highly recommended.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Point I Fell Asleep: 1:30 out of 2:28 (61%)
Location: Theater
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So I went to the 10:20PM IMAX showing of this movie, and I realized 2 things immediately - 1) the last time I went to a theater was to watch Leo's last movie and 2) when I buy a house, I want a home theater room with a nice surround system and movie theater chairs (maybe it'll cut down on me falling asleep during movies). Anyhow, I won't ruin the movie for you, but once again, this was another "Mission Impossible" movie - it's one of those movies where you understand the general premise, but then they start throwing convoluted plot twists at you, which confuses you, but you just "go with it." Anyhow, I did fall asleep and I created my own 4th level - seriously! I kept falling asleep and waking up and confusing myself as to what was the movie and what was my own dream. And by the way, even IMAX didn't keep me awake, so the home theater may not be the best idea after all. As for the movie, I do recommend it, but it's not really necessary to watch it at the theaters.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Youth in Revolt

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

If you like Michael Cera in teen angst movies, then this'll be your cup of tea. I say it's similar to "Superbad," but it's really not. It's about a teenage boy who meets a girl and then becomes a "bad boy" to get the girl. The irony is that the girl isn't crazy; she's the one that makes him crazy! I found myself chuckling here and there, but all in all, I felt the movie was just too random. Skip this one if I were you unless you just really like Michael Cera.

Leap Year

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

Amy Adams may be my new favorite actress. She hasn't led me astray in her last 3 movies: "Sunshine Cleaning," "Doubt," and of course "Enchanted." This movie was about Amy's journey to Ireland to propose to her boyfriend because it's an Irish tradition that girls can propose to their boyfriends on a leap year. The movie was a pretty sappy chick flick where you could predict the ending 15 minutes into the movie. For the guys out there, you had better be a fan of chick flicks or Amy Adams if you watch this movie. And since I'm an Amy Adams Addict, I recommend!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Bounty Hunter

Point I Fell Asleep: 1:10 out of 1:50 (63%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

This is one of those movies where you'll get excited for on the plane, but then as the movie progresses, you'll start to think about other things you could be doing instead - like read the inflight magazine or talk to the overweight neighbor next to you. The movie started out strong and then it just sorta drifted around and got boring and then zzzzz. I kept asking myself if Gerard Butler can do romantic comedies, and I've come to the conclusion that he shouldn't do them. And Jennifer Aniston is nearing the point where she's too old to be doing them too (see Cameron Diaz as well). No wonder IMBD has given the movie only 5 stars.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Final Destination

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:50 out of 1:22 (61%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I remember watching the first "Final Destination" and being scared to fly in airplanes after the movie. And I do recall at least somewhat enjoying parts 2 and 3. However, it should have ended at 3. The death scenes weren't even believable anymore in this 4th installment. Do yourself a favor and pretend the series ended at 3 movies.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Point I Fell Asleep: 1:20 out of 1:58 (68%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I had high hopes for this movie with the previews and all, but it turned out to be a stinker. I will BELIEVE that gods exist and they mate with humans. However, I don't believe that if your high school teacher turns into a gargoyle-like thing and is trying to kill you, that you won't $hit in your pants! And after a minotaur kills your mom, you aren't at least crying and bummed out for...I don't know... 2 minutes. And how can you just pick up a sword and defeat one of the best fighters in town? Sorry. Once I started rolling my eyes, it was over for the movie. I apologize for spoiling the movie for you, but trust me, I did you a favor. Don't waste your time!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Protector

Point I Zoned Out: 0:15 out of 1:21 (19%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Why is it that the only 2 Thai movies I've watched are about muy thai boxing? Granted "Ong Bak" was pretty good, and this movie even starred the same actor. However, although I enjoyed "Onk Bak," this movie was TERRIBLE. I started to zone out 15 minutes into the movie. I didn't care for the horrible dub job, the WWF like fight scenes, the stupid plot about protecting elephants. Even the much ballyhooed 50 man fight scene at the end was stupid too. I should have just turned it off!

Friday, July 2, 2010

My Girlfriend is an Agent

Point I Fell Asleep: 1:15 out of 1:52 (67%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So this was the Korean version of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." It was also the first Korean movie that made me fall asleep. The movie started funny, but by the middle, I found myself wanting to turn the movie off because it was so predictable and not funny anymore.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Invention of Lying

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So this movie is about a guy who lives in a world where everyone tells the truth, and one day, all of a sudden, he's able to tell a lie, but no one knows what a lie is, so they just assume it's the truth. Great idea. Great casting with Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner, and all the other guest cameos. The movie started out strong, but the plot sorta took a wrong turn in the middle and really couldn't recover until the very end. I will admit though that I started to get more and more confused as the movie went along because I was trying to figure out if what the characters were saying was an opinion or a false statement. Definitely plane worthy, but not worth a Netflix queue.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Twilight: New Moon

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I'm surprised it took me so long to get around to watching this. I was reminded lately since the 3rd movie is about to come out. Anyhow, I must say, this movie had more one-liners than a Tyrese movie. I remembered the first one being a little cheesy, but this one was off da chain. Edward- "Your breath is my gift." Are you kidding me? Who says that? So clearly, I'm Team Jacob now. I remember pausing the movie an hour into it for a restroom break and when I went to resume the movie, it showed the movie was 2:10 long. I was like, "ugh, another hour of this..." But sure enough, as soon as the movie ended, I said to myself, "Noooo, give me more!"

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

OHMYGOD, I didn't realize Tobey Maguire and Jake Gyllenhall would be in the SAME MOVIE. I haven't been this excited since Corey Haim and Corey Feldman appeared in the same TV show. I mean, c'mon, are there 2 other unrelated actors that look like they should be related...or even the same person? You just don't know how many times I've confused which one was Spiderman and which one got pounded by Heath Ledger. It's like they're the same person! Now that we got that out of the way, let's talk about the movie. Wow! What an INTENSE movie! The casting and the acting in it were superb especially the great lengths that Tobey went through to play the part. By the way, although the movie was good, I don't recommend it. It's like that Nick Cage movie "8mm" or the Monica Belluci movie "Irreversible." Those movies were good, but I don't recommend them to people. Plus, the ending was one of the worst endings of all time!

She's Out of My League

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

This is one of those rare movies that started out slow, then got great in the middle, and then ended badly. For the first 30 minutes, I kept questioning the casting: would I have liked the awkward kid from "Superbad" instead in the male lead? Would Jessica Alba or would "Girl Next Door" Elisha Cutbert have been better as the female lead? So while I'm thinking about those things, I chuckle here and there. And then out of nowhere, during the middle of the movie, everything just clicked - the movie got funnier, you didn't doubt the casting, and the movie was somewhat believable. And sure enough, like coming down from a drug high, everything started to suck again. In the end, it's a great "plane" movie and maybe even worthy of a Netflix queue, but I'm not going around recommending the movie to anyone.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

This has to rank up there with one of the most unintentionally intentional comedy ever made. What I mean by that is that the movie was supposed to be a comedy, but it wasn't all that funny, and it was so bad, that it was almost good. I think I may have chuckled a handful of times throughout the movie. The thing I enjoyed the most about the movie was the 80's soundtrack. I think the problem with the movie was in the casting - John Cusack is a "Gross Pointe Blank" type of funny; he's not "did they just make a movie about a hot tub time machine" movie. The funniest guy was the black guy; the others were just sorta thrown together. Definitely no "Hangover." The movie wasn't bad enough for me to want to turn off, but I can't recommend anyone to watch it either. I guess that makes it a good "plane" movie then.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Valentine's Day

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:55 out of 2:05 (44%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

This may be the most star-studded cast I've ever seen in a movie. You'd think that would make for a great movie, but I thought it actually detracted from the movie. I mean, how are you going to feel sad for beautiful actresses not finding love on Valentine's Day? I mean, seriously... I was glad that they didn't have a date. It's like seeing the head cheerleader go dateless for homecoming. So I think it would have made for a better movie if they only had one or two stars in the movie. By the way, I love Taylor Swift and all, but her acting skills are pretty bad. She seemed to be over acting in her scenes. I'm not sure if I'd recommend this movie; if a chick flick doesn't illicit any emotions (or the wrong emotions) from the viewer, then it's a failure, right?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hear Me

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Another solid Asian movie. This one is a chick flick about a delivery boy falling in love with a hearing-impaired girl. That's pretty much all you need to know. Oh yeah, it never occurred to me that you can have different languages with sign language! So you can have English sign language and Chinese sign language. Straight tripped me out when I had that AHA moment. Anyway, the movie was very cute. Throughout the whole movie, I kept wondering why Americans can't make cute movies. Then I remembered how they butchered "My Sassy Girl." I think it's because you just can't have big name actresses that can't act. You need believability! That or maybe I just like Asian movies because I'm Asian too.

Funny People

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:45 out of 2:33 (29%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

Remind me to never watch a comedy that is TWO AND A HALF HOURS LONG! I'm calling it now. Judd Apatow's 15 minutes is now over. You can only take so much Seth Rogan before you want to see him hung by his balls. This movie reminded me of "Knocked Up," where the movie was so long that you eventually zoned out and stopped paying attention. By the 1:30 to 1:45 mark, I was ready for the movie to be over! I just didn't care what happened after that point! The only bright spot in the movie was seeing the Indian dude Aziz Ansari do standup. That and the random cameos. Do yourself a favor and skip this movie... that or turn it off after 90 minutes (you'll still enjoy it as much).

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hua Mulan

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

This is the Chinese version of the Disney classic "Mulan." I've never watched the Disney version , so I have no frame of reference. I also don't know the real history behind Mulan either, and so I was going into this movie blind. Anyhow, I really enjoyed the movie. I will say though that it was hard for me to believe that no one realized Mulan was a girl, which leads me to suspect that the "real" Mulan had to have been pretty ugly or had an extra Y chromosome in her DNA. The only problem I had with the movie was that it seemed "choppy" at times, especially at the beginning. When I say "choppy," I mean the editing of the movie left some minor plot holes in the movie. They easily could have made this a 3 hour epic like Braveheart or Gladiator and made the story a lot more clear, thus leading to a more enjoyable movie. This is my 2nd Asian movie lately and I've enjoyed them both. I'm torn whether I should put this on my recommended list because although the movie was very enjoyable, I don't know if that's just because I haven't seen an Asian movie in a long time or if American movies are really that bad.

Pretty Woman

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I RARELY will rewatch a movie. However, I had some people who had never seen this CLASSIC, so I put it on. First off, let me tell you that I was 13-14 when I first watched this movie. My parents even bought the VHS tape, one of the few that they actually bought, and I must have watched this movie like a dozen times especially since Julia Roberts was so hot in it. I think I wore out the section of the tape with the steamy scenes if you get my drift... Anyhow, nearly 20 years later, this movie IS JUST AS GOOD! And since I've grown up since then, I now fully understand what Richard Gere's character does and why Julia's character didn't kiss on the lips. Haha. Anyway, for all you yougin's that haven't seen this movie, just know that this is one of the Top 5 chick flicks of all time!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lady Vengeance

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Let me just say that Korean filmmakers are off the freaking a good way. I think the last Korean movie I saw was "Oldboy" and this one was from the producers of "Oldboy" or the like. I remember enjoying "Oldboy," and so I had high hopes for this movie as well. It's funny because the plots of the 2 movies are very similar; "Oldboy" was about a man who was imprisoned for 15 years and when he gets out, he seeks revenge. This one is basically the female version of that. The movie plays out as expected although you will get confused at times between the flashbacks. And just like every other Korean movie, the ending was very unexpected and very un-American.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:45 out of 1:28 (51%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

If you like movies with very simple plots and lots of gun-action, then this movie is for you. I don't remember much about the first movie, but I remember it being a little more entertaining than this one. Plus, it had Alicia Keys in it. This sequel just didn't cut it. Skip it if I were you.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Law Abiding Citizen

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Midnight

This movie was pretty good. If you liked "Taken," then you should like this movie as well. This movie is about a dad who witnesses the murder of his wife and daughter (sorry for ruining the first 5 minutes of the movie for you). The criminals get off easier than they should have, and then the dad takes justice into his own hands. I thought the casting was great with the guy from "300" and Jamie Foxx. Definitely worth watching.

Fired Up!

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:15 out of 1:30 (17%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

Two high school football players skip football camp to go to cheerleading camp so they can get girls. Need I say more? I fell asleep 15 minutes into the movie, woke up at around the 45 minute mark, thought about turning it off, but felt I was already committed to it. The movie reminded me of a poor man's "Bring It On." It had some funny one liners but that's about it. Save 90 minutes of your life and watch something else.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Big Stan

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:45 out of 1:45 (43%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

I love Rob Schneider movies. I think"Deuce Bigalow" ranks as one of my top 10 movies of all time. This movie started out really strong, but then it took a 90 degree turn and that's when I fell asleep. I woke up thinking, "What the hell is going on?" It had some minor funny moments during the 2nd half of the movie, but it was no "Deuce Bigalow." By the way, the girl Cameron from "House" is in this movie playing Rob's ditzy wife. I think I prefer her as a doctor though. You may want to pass on this movie unless you're a die-hard Rob Schneider fan.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I usually don't watch anime, but this movie scored an 8.0 on IMDB. The movie is about a girl who discovers the ability to go back through time. However, she's foolish enough to think that it doesn't have consequences. Anyhow, the movie was good for an anime, and if you're an anime fan, then I'd recommend it. For the regular person though, you may not find it as interesting.

It's Complicated

Location: Plane
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

This movie felt like an old people movie (a movie that star actors over the age of 50). I like Meryl Streep and I like Alec Baldin and I like Steve Martin as well, but I didn't know if I would like to see all 3 of them together. The movie was about Meryl's and Alex's characters who were divorced a while back and now are having an affair with each other. Yeah, I know, gag me. If you're over the age of 50 though, you may enjoy it though.

The Messenger

Location: Plane
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

So I love war movies, and although this technically wasn't a war movie, it was still very good. Woody Harrelson and this other actor play 2 soldiers who have the duty of going around and informing families that their loved one has passed away in combat. I thought the other actor, Ben Foster, was really good. He had a Jake Gyllenhall like quality and grittiness to his performance. Definitely a movie you won't be disappointed with.

The Princess and the Frog

Point I Fell Asleep: 01:15 out of 01:37 (77%)
Location: Plane
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

Oh man, I did NOT like this animated movie. I don't know why; I just didn't. Maybe I was just cranky cuz I was starting a 9 hour flight in coach. Either way, I wouldn't watch it again.

Capitalism: A Love Story

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Oh man, how I could blast away at this movie... I just rolled my eyes throughout the entire movie. Clearly this movie was made because he was from Flint, Michigan. If he grew up anywhere else, I doubt this movie would have been made. The irony of all this is that capitalism allows him to make movies and make money. Do you think he lives in a $25,000 home or a multimillion dollar home? The best part of the movie - when he showed a poll that asked what Americans preferred: capitalism, socialism, or other. "Other" scored 33! That means 33% of the stupid Americans polled didn't even know the definition of capitalism or socialism! That was freaking hilarious! By the way, I watched this movie about 3 weeks ago, and I can feel my anger rising as I type this out. But I guess that's what makes a great movie...

This Is It

Point I Fell Asleep: 01:30 out of 01:51 (81%)
Location: Plane
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

This was a Michael Jackson concert movie. However, it wasn't in a stadium in front of a hundred thousand screaming fans; it was on a practice stage. Apparently he was filming a documentary about the future concert tour he was going to go on before he passed away. So if you're a Michael Jackson fan, you should enjoy this movie.

New York, I Love You

Location: Plane
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Weird movie. It was like an assortment of mini-movies in one bigger movie about New York. All that was missing was the Jay-Z anthem. I honestly can't remember a damn thing about the movie although I stayed awake through it.

All About Steve

Location: Plane
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

This just goes to show that sometimes I stay awake because I'm not tired versus actually enjoying the movie. This was another Sandra Bullock chick flick that has to rank up there as one of her worst movies ever made. She plays a stalker chasing around this TV cameraman because she's a desperate dateless girl. Uhhh yeah right, like we're going to believe that. Also, her character talks so much throughout the movie that not only does it annoy the other characters in the movie, it started to annoy me too! Stay away from this one folks; definitely took one for the team here.

Whip It

Location: Plane
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

A movie about roller derby... what will they think of next? It certainly was no "Dodgeball." The movie was sorta of a comedi drama that was more drama than comedy. I thought the movie ran a little bit too long though; my mind kept wandering off near the end there. You could do a lot worse...

A Serious Man

Point I Turned OFF: 00:45 out of 01:46 (42%)
Location: Plane
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

This may be one of the worst movies of all time. I had no idea what was going on and just eventually turned it off. Maybe you had to be Jewish to enjoy the movie; either way, I regret not turning it off sooner.

The Men Who Stare at Goats

Point I Fell Asleep: 01:15 out of 01:34 (80%)
Location: Plane
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

Did I just plow through all of George Clooney's movies for 2009? This one was odd. It wasn't as funny as the previews made it out to be. It's similar to "Burn Without Reading" in that the previews were better than the actual movie. The movie is about a journalist who goes to Iraq in hopes of finding a story to write about and ends up meeting George Clooney, who can kill a goat by staring at it (not a spoiler - this was in the trailer). The movie is watchable and worthy of a Netflix queue, but don't own it.

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Location: Plane
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

What a weird animated movie. George Clooney is the voice of a mischievious fox who likes to steal chickens. When he settles down, he promises to stop doing it, but just like how you can't change a tiger's stripes, you can't change what a fox is. The movie was funny and is different from what you're used to out of Disney and Pixar. Not sure what else to write about the movie... it's one of those movies that if you're forced to watch on a plane, you won't be angry at yourself afterwards for not reading the in-flight magazine instead.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Blind Side

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I LOVE football movies! I can't think of a "bad" football related movie that I've seen. Almost all are "good" to "great." This movie was no exception. It's no "Remember The Titans" or "Unnecessary Roughness," but I have to rank it up there in my top 5 of all time. It was more of an emotional drama versus those come-back-from-behind-wins. Anyhow, I thought Sandra Bullock was great in the movie, but I don't think it was Oscar-worthy. I mean I liked her more in "Miss Congeniality," and I thought the black girl from "Precious" definitely gave a better performance than Sandra. Anyhow, I highly recommend this movie too!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I usually don't watch "black woman" movies; not because I'm racist, it's because I don't connect with the characters as much as an actual black woman would, and thus won't enjoy the movie. I can't even remember the last "black woman" movie I watched. I even IMDB'ed "Angela Bassett" looking for a movie I've seen her in. Was this movie really a "black woman" movie? Not really, but I think some people will categorize it as one because the main characters are black women. I started this movie at 11pm at night, and 9 out of 10 times, I'm going to fall asleep during ANY movie at this time. However, this movie was so mesmerizing and so great that I actually wanted more at the end. The movie is about a 16 year old black girl who lives in Harlem and struggles with life, school, family, etc. You name it, she's struggling with it. After watching this movie, you should appreciate that you weren't born into an environment like hers and be grateful for what you have. Highly recommended!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Food, Inc

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

Back to back documentaries here. Just plowing (pun intended) through them. This one is about the food industry and how much we DON'T know what's going on in the back end of the food industry. We picture farms and cows grazing on them when in fact, the animals are kept in dark tight spaces, feed nutrients that make them fat, and basically being mistreated. With that said, I actually don't blame the food industry. I mean, yes they are evil, but the bigger problem is overpopulation. There are just too many damn mouths to feed in this world. So I propose we legalize euthanasia, and not only that, I say we let ppl kill themselves and in return, the gov't gives their family $100,000. Over 60 years old and no longer add value to society? Off yourself! Have no job and got 10 kids to feed? Off yourself! It's the "Get out of jail" free card! But I digress... I highly reco you watch this movie though.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Cove

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:30 out of 1:32 (33%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

If you don't want to see Hayden Panettiere poked and prodded by Japanese fishermen, then DON'T watch this movie. Yeah, you remember that news clip from a couple of years ago where Hayden was trying to save dolphins from getting slaughtered..well this was it. The movie is about a documentary about the killing of dolphins by Japanese fishermen.... yeah the same ones that like to slaughter whales too. The only reason why I fell asleep was because I was waiting and waiting to see the slaughter (not because I get a kick out of that), but because it was like watching "Titanic" and knowing that the boat will sink; you just want to know what happened to the people after the movie ends. The movie took so long to develop that I just fell asleep. I do recommend you watch this movie though because after all, who doesn't like dolphins?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Saw VI

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

"Saw VI" is like your drunk uncle at a wedding when it's near the end of the night, and he's yelling at people and basically making a fool of himself. It's a train wreck in the making, but because he was so good to you when he was younger ("Saw I"), you just put up with him. At this point, the "Saw" series just needs to end. I hear 7 will be the final one; thank goodness. "Saw I" was a GREAT movie because of its originality, but when they decided to add a plot to the series, that's when it all went downhill. Like I don't even know the characters or even the plots anymore; I just watch it for the death scenes and deciding on what I'd do if I was in the victim's shoes.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Up In The Air

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

What can I say...GREAT MOVIE! Loved George Clooney; can't think of anyone else that would have done the role justice. Loved the story all the way through the end. Just a great oddball movie. Highly recommended by yours truly!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Shutter Island

Point I Fell Asleep: 2:00 out of 2:18 (87%)
Location: Theater
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

You know how you always have that annoying friend that will figure out the ending of the movie like half way into it? Yeah, that's never me. I usually just immerse myself into the movie and let it go where it'll take me. Like, I still don't know the plot for "Mission Impossible 2." That's how immersed I get. However, I don't know if I've gotten smarter over the years, but for some reason, half way through this movie, I actually figured out the ending. To my detriment, the next hour was anticlimatic, thus leading me to fall asleep near the end. I had so many thoughts while watching the movie though, so let's pound through them:
  • Wow, you can't go wrong with a Leo movie. When was his last bad movie? "The Beach?"
  • You can't go wrong with a Leo and Scorsese movie
  • When was the last time these 2 didn't work together? Jeez.
  • I may have to put this movie on my recommended list
  • SNAP! I just figured out the movie
  • Okay this movie is getting long
  • zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • Whew, I woke up and didn't miss much
  • Yup, sure enough, my prediction was true.
  • Sorry, I can't put this movie on my recommended list. It was "good," but I can't go around recommending it to people. Definitely rent it though.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Informant!

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

From the previews, I thought this movie was going to be a comedy. It turned out to be this oddball story of an idiotic whisleblower where his actions and thoughts provided the comedy. I think 1) Matt Damon carried the movie and I can't see anyone else playing the part and 2) the movie was so weird and confusing and intriguing that I stayed awake. I'd queue this up in Netflix.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Couple's Retreat

Point I Fell Asleep: 1:00 out of 1:53 (44%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

I thought this was going to be like the very funny "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," and I was expecting a lot out of it. The movie started out strong, and I was even thinking to myself, "Hey, I think I like Vince Vaughn movies." However, once they got to the island, then that's where things just went downhill. The movie got all serious and it was no longer as light-hearted and funny as I wanted it to be. Sure, there were funny moments here and there, but not enough to save the movie. Probably a good "plane" movie, and "rent-able" if you don't see anything else available.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

This movie was about 2 people being cryogenically frozen and waking up 500 years in the future, where people are...idiots. This was a Mike Judge movie, which is also the guy who did "Beavis and Butthead." I think that's all you need to know. I could have done without watching this movie.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

I love disaster movies! One of my favorite all time movies is "Armageddon," and although "ID4" really wasn't a disaster movie per se, it's close enough since aliens were going to take over Earth. The only gripe I have with disaster movies, and this makes no sense, but the unbelievability of parts of the movie. It's like, "Okay, I'll believe the sun's solar flares will shift the Earth and everything will die. I'm FINE with that." However, when the heroes escape death 10 times in the movie when they really should have died, that's where I have a problem. So while I enjoyed this movie, I couldn't keep muttering to myself, "Oh c'mon, they should have died." That's why I can't recommend this movie although it's definitely rent-worthy. By the way, I got in trouble with my neighbors cuz there was so much bass in this movies, so be forewarned.

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Perfect Getaway

Point I Turned It Off: 0:33 out of 1:47 (31%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Thirty minutes into this movie, I asked to myself, "Why am I watching this movie? I really don't like Timothy Olyphant (the guy from the TV show "Samantha Who".) This movie is too slow. What other movie can I watch?" And that was that.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Location: IMAX 3D
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So I finally get around to watching this movie, but that's because I wanted to see it in Imax 3D. Even in February, the movie is still sold out. But it definitely lived up to the hype. However, as much as I enjoyed it, the movie was pretty predictable, and it really didn't have THAT MUCH substance to it. I mean the 3 hours of "eye candy porn" was worth the price of admission, but c'mon, even my half-FOB mom could understand it. My biggest gripe about the movie was this though - (not really a spoiler so don't worry) - when he was his avatar, it was usually daytime on Pandora, and when his avatar went to sleep, that's when he was in human form, and therefore, at night. However, there were scenes when it was daytime in his human form, so therefore, what was his Avatar doing then?

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Point I Fell Asleep: 0:30 out of 1:28 (34%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So I watched this movie because my friend Trung hyped it as "one of the best movies of 2009." Remind me not to take his advice again. I mean, the movie was enjoyable and it has high IMDB ratings, but it wasn't THAT GREAT. I mean, you should definitely rent the movie, but I wouldn't buy the movie because it has no replay value. For the people who don't know, this movie is a zombie movie mixed with a little comedy. I think I chuckled less than a handful of times throughout the movie. Like I said, it's definitely rentable, but I'm not going to put it on my "recommended" list.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Point I Fell Asleep: 0:45 out of 1:29 (50%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I liked the premise of this movie even though it was a bad movie. The movie was about people who could sit in these chairs and wear something that would allow them to control robotic clones of themselves [or whomever they want]. Therefore, instead of actually being a soldier, you'd be at home controlling the solider. And if the soldier dies, you get a new robotic "surrogate." Makes you think of all the endless possibilities. However, Bruce Willis and even Ving Rhames can no longer carry a movie. It was unfortunate how bad the movie turned out.

By the way, I just got a Yamaha YSP-4000 soundbar and a subwoofer. I got tired of the "thin" sound coming from my plasma TV's speakers. And the soundbar really does work unlike the "virtual surround sound" that TVs market. I'm just sad this movie was the first movie I used it on.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Location: Plane
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So I watched this movie because my friend Surya said it was one of his top 5 movies of 2009. The movie is one of those quirky indie alternative movies, and if I had actually stayed awake through "500 days of summer," I'm sure it'd be like that movie. Anyhow, the movie is about an awkward nerdy geeky type of kid who just finished college and to save up money for grad school, decides to get a job at a theme park for the summer. That's where he meets his love interest and the movie follows him throughout the summer. Let me just say that I HATED the first 30 minutes of the movie. It was very slow and wasn't funny at all. As a matter of fact, I only chuckled a couple of times throughout the entire movie, and that's because of the 80's soundtrack. This was no comedy; it's more of a quirky boy meets girl love story. Anyhow, I can't really recommend it since most ppl prob wouldn't like this type of movie, but if you're into indie alternative movies, then this is definitely a must see for you.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Hurt Locker

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Midnight

One of the best movies of 2009! This may be the FIRST movie I've ever started at midnight and was able to stay awake the entire time. I love war movies. I love war movies involving 3rd world countries like Iraq and Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down), snipers (Jarhead), and intensity (Saving Private Ryan). This movie had it all. I'm just glad they cast a lot of unknown actors to play the troops instead of big name stars like Jamie Foxx because I wouldn't have believed Jamie Foxx enlisting in the Army. I was going to gripe about the ending and how they dragged it along a little too long, but it was a fitting ending. After the movie, I have a deeper appreciation for the troops and hate how we are STILL in Iraq.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I Love You, Beth Cooper

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:45 out of 1:42 (44%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Alright Hayden Panettiere is a cutie, but even she can't carry a bad movie. This movie was about a high school valedictorian professing his love for Beth Cooper aka Hayden during his valedictorian speech. Then he throws a party (aka him and his best friend), and she shows up with her friends. Then all 5 of them go around town on an adventure ala "Superbad" and "...White Castle." The movie would have been great if they had cost the quirky kid from "Superbad" as the male lead, but they cast an unknown and thus this movie went straight to DVD.

Jennifer's Body

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:45 out of 1:42 (44%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

What a stupid movie! Let's face it, if Megan Fox wasn't in it, this woulda gone straight to TV. And she's such a bad actor that it doesn't save the movie. And if you look really closely, she's not even that hot because she has such a bad complexion. I'm just mad at myself for finishing the movie after I fell asleep the first time!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Sister's Keeper

Location: Plane
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

I almost cried a handful of times throughout the movie, but by the end, I had tears flowing down one eye. What a great heart-wrenching movie! If you don't cry during the move, you either a) didn't pay full attention or b) you're just cold hearted. My friend Huy didn't like Cameron Diaz playing the role of the mother, butI have to disagree. She was perfect. I kept thinking Amy Adams may have been better, but she doesn't have Cameron's fiery tenacity to fight for her daughter. So I thought it was a great casting role. The entire movie was great. I highly recommend it.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Love Happens

Point I Zoned Out: 0:45 out of 1:49 (41%)
Location: Plane
Time I Started Movie: Midnight

Jennifer Aniston CAN NO LONGER CARRY A MOVIE! I watched this on a plane, and it wasn't even a "plane-worthy" movie. The movie got so bad, I opened up my laptop half way through to go through my emails all the while listening to the movie. Then after a while, I just didn't even bother listening to the movie. It was aweful! I kept thinking, "What was the last good Jennifer Aniston movie?" Maybe "The Breakup," but if you think about it, it was Vince Vaughn that made that movie good. I am now downgrading all Jennifer Aniston movies from "Oh let me watch this movie because she's in it" to "oh it's just another actress." Other actresses that have been downgraded like that - Ashley Judd, Reese Witherspoon, Kate Hudston, etc. The actresses that are still in the "must-see" elite group - Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba (but she's in danger of falling off), Julia Roberts, etc.