Saturday, April 27, 2013



I watched this movie on IMAX at an 8PM showing on a Friday night.  Ten minutes into the movie and I realized that watching a movie like this on IMAX is really the only way to watch an action movie.  Sure, I could have watched this movie at home 3 months from now, but it just wouldn't be the same.  With that said, Tom Cruise doesn't look like he's aged a day, and he's made so many of these movies that it's just natural he'd star in it.  I also love disaster movies, so this was really up my alley.  I did however start to fall asleep at the very end, but was able to mandingo up.  I'm going to credit the Coke Zero for keeping me awake else I most likely would have zzzzz.  With that said, if you like disaster Tom Cruise movies (*cough* "War of the Worlds"), then you should watch this movie.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Campaign


Five minutes into the movie, and I had that feeling of, "Should I even waste my time watching this?"  I think Will Ferrel has fallen from grace.  He's just not that funny anymore, and he doesn't seem to have progressed as an actor.  That or maybe I've gotten older.  And I never liked Zach Galifanakis.  So by the 30 minute mark, I fell asleep.  I woke up again at the 40 minute mark and decided, "Oh wait, I still have the last couple of episodes of UFC Season 17 to watch.  Woohoo!"  And that was the end of "The Campaign."  Oh it was so bad.  But UFC was very enjoyable.  I think TV officially bypassed movies as the more entertaining medium about 2 years ago with series like "Game of Thrones," "Breaking Bad," "Walking Dead," etc.  

Monday, April 22, 2013



I was going to say, "You can't go wrong with a Denzel movie," but I believe you can go wrong - see "Safe House."  Anyway, this movie was actually enjoyable.  



I actually got this movie confused with "Tangled" and quite honestly, if you asked me the difference between the 2 movies, it would be very hard for me to give you an answer.  I think "Tangled" was Rapunzel while "Brave" involved a bow and arrow.  And the only reason I know that is because I just looked at the movie posters.  Woe is me.

Wreck-It Ralph


I really don't like John C. Reilly's voice.  I think that's what bothered me about the movie.  That and the fact I didn't like the movie.  It was so promising at the very start too.  Oh well.



You know what, I actually don't remember if I did fall asleep or if I stayed awake.  I would say that I did enjoy the movie.  So far, all these movies of us populating other worlds have been enjoyable to me.  

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2


Don't judge me!  The movie was actually enjoyable if you saw the entire series.  That's all I'll say.

Life of Pi


While I fell asleep through the movie, I did enjoy the movie.  I thought the movie would have had a stronger religious undertone to it, but I didn't see it in the movie.  Definitely Netflix it when it comes out.



Loved the movie.  Wasn't a fan of Ben the actor, but the movie was great.  Ben reminds me of a frat boy who tries to act vs being a real actor.  Would have loved it more if he wasn't in it.  Brad Pitt would have been MONEY, but this movie was probably beneath him.

Silver Linings Playbook


Well, I think I stayed awake anyway, but it wouldn't surprise me if I fell asleep for 5 minutes or so.  Anyway, I highly enjoyed the movie and I forgive Jennifer Lawrence for being miscast in "Hunger Games."  



Let me say I was very disappointed when fifteen minutes into the movie, I realized the movie was about the abolishing of slavery among Congress.  I don't know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't that.  I have no recollection for anything past 15 minutes in this movie.  I was hoping I'd wake up to at least see him get shot (sorry for the spoiler), but I missed that too.

Zero Dark Thirty


One of the few movies I've actually stayed awake through.  And I stayed up past midnight to finish it!  I was very impressed with myself.  I'll have to figure out what the secret formula is in keeping me awake because while I already knew the ending, the movie was gripping enough to keep me interested and awake.  Kathryn Bigelow is 2 for 2 in my book with "Hurt Locker" being another solid movie.



I am beginning to not enjoy the Bond series anymore.  They are too stereotypical.  That or I just don't enjoy car chase scenes anymore.  I fell asleep for a good 75% of the movie so I have no recollection whatsoever of the movie.

Les Misérables


Man, I do NOT like musicals.  And how did Anne Hathaway win an Oscar?  She was barely in the movie.  And I told you Russel Crowe has let himself go.  Netflix the movie.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey


Fifteen minutes into the movie, I realized this was really a poor man's version of LOTR although it's basically the same story with the same director and graphics.  Then when I woke up an hour later, I felt it was very much like LOTR.  Needless to say, I did NOT enjoy this movie at all.  Don't even bother else you might feel pot-committed to watching the next 2 in the trilogy.

Anna Karenina


I was on a flight when I decided to watch this movie, and the book is actually my favorite book in high school.  I remember pounding out all 600+ pages of the book.  Fifteen minutes into the movie, I realized I had no memory of the story nor the book.  Then I felt I couldn't stand Keira Knightley anymore and decided to sleep instead of trying to watch the rest of the movie.  If anyone has seen the movie and think it's worth my time, please let me know.

Django Unchained


I think I fell asleep multiple times during the movie.  What's worse is when you wake up, rewind, and then fall back asleep at the same point.  Then wake up, rewind, and fall back asleep again.  At that point, you have to decide whether you want to pound out the rest of the movie or whether you should stop the madness.  I chose to pound through it, and you know what, I don't regret my decision.  I did enjoy the first part of the movie though and I felt the 2nd part was off the beaten path.  Get the Redbox; don't wait for Netflix.

The Place Beyond the Pines


Warning - Don't fall asleep in this movie because I fell asleep twice and I woke up to a different movie each time.  Look, I realize that no one has heard or even seen this movie, but let me tell you that it stars Ryan Gosling, Eva Mendes, and Bradley Cooper.  You have to admit - that's an all star 'up and coming' cast plus Eva.  Plus, it currently has a 7.8 vote on IMDB.  Let me say that I enjoyed the parts of the movie with Ryan Gosling in it.  He gave a "Drive"-esque performance.  It's worth at least a Redbox rental vs waiting for Netflix.  Btw, it was a loooong movie so prepare yourself.

Broken City


When I started watching the movie, my first thought was, "I can't remember a bad Mark Wahlberg movie since 'The Perfect Storm...' oh wait, I can't even remember the names of Mark Wahlberg movies since Storm, but you know what, once I remember, I'll remember enjoying them."  And that's how I felt about this movie - it was a sorta decent/good Markie Mark movie, but I had to IMDB "Mark Walberg" so I could remember the name of this easily forgettable movie.  One day, with the .01% chance that someone goes, "Have you guys seen 'Broken City'?"  Everyone will give them a puzzled look and they will go, "It was Mark Wahlberg and Russel Crowe."  And I'll go, "Ahhhh I remember, but I don't remember much about the movie."

P.s. Russel Crowe has gotten fat lately.