Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New Year's Eve

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie:Primetime

You know it's bad when the bloopers at the end of the movie is the funniest part of the movie.  Just because you got every famous actor/actress to star in your movie, it doesn't mean it'll be good.  The movie was so bad that at the 1 hour mark, it felt like it had been 2 hours already since the movie was soooo slow and unfunny.  I should have just stopped the madness and stopped it at that point.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Hunger Games

Location: Theater
Time I Started Movie:Afternoon

Quick disclaimer - I finished reading the book a week ago.  For the most part, the movie highlighted all the main points of the book.  The book of course gives you what Katniss is thinking the entire time, which you can't really do in a movie.  So if you didn't read the book and only watched the movie, I THINK you would enjoy the movie.  However, the book gives that extra dimension that makes it worth reading.  A couple of things though - when I was reading the book, I just pictured the girl from "Juno" playing the lead.  The girl they got was a little too tall, too healthy for my tastes.  Look, Katniss is supposed to be a starving girl; the actress looked like she just stepped out of a buffet line.  Sorry, it's the truth.  I think I had a couple of other  minor gripes, but can't remember them now.  All in all, the movie is worth a matinee ticket purchase.

Jack and Jill

Point I Zoned Out: 0:15
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Fifteen minutes in, I realized 2 things.  1) Adam Sandler is too old to be making these types of movies and 2) maybe I am too old to find this type of humor funny.  Regardless, I stopped paying attention fifteen minutes in, and eventually turned it off at the 0:45 minute mark.  What a horrible, horrible movie.  This is the type of movie that can be found in the $.99 bin in a couple of years.