Sunday, March 25, 2012

Definitely, Maybe (the 2nd time)

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:45
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

IIIIII'm back and now I remember why I started this blog.  It's because I fall asleep through so many movies that I forget if I've watched a movie or not.  A couple of days ago, my friend Will, recommended this movie to me.  So last night, I started playing it, and kept going "Hmmm...I thought I've seen all Ryan Reynolds movies already.  Strange how I haven't watched this one. Especially since it's a 2008 movie."  So 5 minutes in, I was like hmmm this is strangely familiar but also new to me.  I then watched the IMDB trailer, and was like, "Yup, haven't seen this movie yet.  Sweet!"  So sure enough, 45 minutes in, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  I then woke up and asked Francine a pivotal plot turning point and she refused to tell me what happened.  After waking up and falling asleep for the next hour and really only staying awake for the very end, I concluded the movie was enjoyable and wished I had stayed awake.  Today, as I was about to blog about it.  I see this ->