Saturday, November 13, 2010

Four Lions

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

So I really don't like British comedies because quite honestly, the jokes aren't funny to me. However, this movie was a very witty, smart, and unintentionally funny movie.  It's about 4 Jihadists who try to become terrorists, but since they're idiots, it makes for a great comedic movie.  It wasn't laughing-out-loud funny, but I was definitely chuckling all throughout the movie.  By the way, I did watch the movie with subtitles turned on, which definitely helped.  Probably one of the top 10 movies of 2010.

17 Again

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:20 out of 1:42 (20%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

You know, this movie was actually pretty good.  It's similar to "Big" where Zac Effron's character regretted a choice he made in high school, and is magically transformed back to his young self and he gets a second chance to do things over again.  You sorta already know the plot and can predict the ending a mile away, but you still enjoy the ride.  I only fell asleep because it was late, but I watched the rest of it the next day and found myself enjoying the movie.  Of course I also like chick flicks, so take this review for what it's worth.

Knight and Day

Point I Fell Asleep: 0:20 out of 1:49 (18%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Probably one of the worst movies of 2010.  Cameron Diaz is too old and ugly to play this part, and Tom Cruise is too good for a movie like this.  It took me 3 different occassions to finish this movie because it was so bad.  My biggest gripe about movies is when you have 20 bad guys shooting at the hero and he dodges all the bullets, but then he'll turn around a corner and can pick off 5 bad guys with single shots.  It's like..c'mon now.  And to make it even worse, when you have the heroine who has never fired a gun before be able to kill a handful of bad guys herself.  It's just too ludicrous.  Seriously.  Just avoid this movie!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Point I Fell Asleep: 1:00 out of 1:52 (54%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

So I had high hopes for this movie since I just recently read the comic book series, and I had heard good things about the movie.  The movie started out pretty good, but for some reason, it got kind of old, and that's when I fell asleep.  I will note that I fell asleep while reading the comic books too.  If you don't know already, this movie is about a kid who starts dating this girl, and to continue dating her, she has to defeat her 7 evil ex-boyfriends.  I thought the movie was cleverly made and stuck to the comic book script.  Maybe it was because I already knew the ending that caused me to fall asleep.  I don't know; I'd wait for the Netflix on this movie.  Definitely don't own it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Grown Ups

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I haven't seen an all star comedy cast like this since the Chris Rock funeral movie "Death at a Funeral."  While Death wasn't funny at all, this one was actually funny.  Not haha funny the entire movie, but there were moments that had me laughing out loud, which in this day and age, is impressive in itself.  I think guys will enjoy this movie more than women since there are some fart jokes in the movie.  Like I said, there are some funny quips through the movie and some forced comedy, but I'll take an Adam Sandler movie any day over a Judd Apatow movie.  Recommended if you're a guy; pass if you're a girl.

Toy Story 3

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

C'mon now, you can't go wrong with Toy Story.  However, at times, I did have moments of deja vu where I swore I've seen parts of it before.  Was it the best Toy Story movie?  No.  Was it original?  No.  Did they exploit the franchise to make an unncessary sequel just to make money?  Yes.  Do I still recommend it after all those flaws?  Yes.