Monday, April 14, 2008

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I was hesitant in watching this movie because I knew the probability of this movie being bad was really high. But then again, it was a big movie in 2007, "Garfield" wasn't all that bad, and I enjoyed the cartoon growing up, so I figured I'd give it a shot. Immediately, I noticed they casted Jason Lee, aka "Earl," as Dave. This was a bad sign. I've come to realize of late that casting can literally make or break a movie. If it was me, I wouldn't have cast a mustache-less Jason Lee as the character Dave because he's just so well known for being mustach'ed Earl. Then, to make matters worse, they cast his love interest as the girl Claire from "Dawson's Creek." Not that she's bad. It's that she looks like she's in her mid 20's and Jason Lee looks like he's 40. So bad. Thirty minutes into the movie, I realized why I semi-enjoyed "Garfield" -- it was the eye candy that is Jennifer Love Hewitt. I didn't like the talking cat, nor did I like the talking chipmunks. My biggest gripe about the movie - how, in one minute, Jason Lee is scared shitless that there are live chipmunks talking to him, and in the next, he's perfectly fine with it, and even remembers each one by name. You'd think all chipmunks would look alike right? Oh man, all these bad movies of late...hopefully I'll pick a winner next time. Gotta stop taking one for the team with these aweful ones.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

Point I Fell Asleep: 1:10 out of 2:00 (58%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Midnight

The only reason why this movie isn't more popular is the fact that Will Ferrell didn't star in it. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that he turned down the part because it was certainly written for him. Heck, even some of the guest stars are in his circle of friends: Paul Rudd, the fat kid from "Superbad," and etc. I was even thinking Jack Black turned down the part too, but even he made a cameo. The movie seemed like a parody of "Walk the Line," and it's actually quite funny. The only reason why I fell asleep was because it was late. I had enjoyed the movie up till then.


Point I Fell Asleep: 0:40 out of 1:40 (40%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

I didn't fall asleep with this one. The movie was so aweful, I TURNED IT OFF! The biggest problem was that the lead character was played by the perennial TV actor Timothy Olyphant. You'll know him best as the boyfriend from "Samantha Who." It was just WRONG! It was almost as bad as watching Tyrese on the big screen. I was ready to turn it off at the 30 minute mark, but an action scene came up, and I wanted to see if that could save the movie... NOPE! Even the action scenes were bad. I haven't turned off too many movies in my life, but this one deserved it. When you're HOPING you could fall asleep, but you can't, then that's a bad sign for the movie!

Friday, April 11, 2008


Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

Where to even start with this movie...? First off, I'm declaring this as a female version of "Napolean Dynamite." The movie just has that weird, quirky, alternative vibe with smart quips here and there that reminds me of Napolean. It's almost as if MTV produced the movie. Secondly, the casting was really great in this movie, especially the boyfriend. I don't think anyone could have played the part better. It was made for him. Third, I just watched Ellen Page on the Tonight Show. She's that quirky and random in real life too. Makes me wonder if they rewrote some of the scripts to fit the actors better. Other random thoughts....I don't think the movie deserved best screenplay. It was good and all, but not Oscar caliber worthy. With that said, you should still watch it; definitely an enjoyable 90 minutes!

***** SPOILER ALERT *****

Who else had money on Juno and the husband getting it on? The movie sure made it seem that way, and even Jason Bateman's character was hinting at it. Good for Juno not to fall for it, and still give the baby away to Jennifer Garner. Then again, I don't think she should have even done that. Although that baby will be superbly cared for by Jennifer, can't you just see the kid rebelling against her when he turns 14 cuz he has no father figure? I almost would have rather Juno and the boyfriend kept it...almost! I don't know; I was trying to come up with a good ending for the movie, and couldn't come up with one.