Sunday, June 28, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Location: Theater
Time I Started Movie: Afternoon

So I watched the IMAX movie of this movie, which you would think would be a great idea since you want the great surround sound and the big screen for the CGI. However, it turned out to be a bad idea. I sat in the middle center of the theater, which was probably the optimal location, but the screen was so big that I could only focus on what was happening in the middle of the screen. This was great for the gratuitous shots of Megan Fox, but when you have chunks of metal colliding with each other, I couldn't make sense of who was fighting, what was going, etc. I did doze off for a couple of seconds in the middle of the show, and if I had watched this in primetime, I most likely would have fallen asleep, which would have been a good thing because this movie was terrible. You know a movie is bad when you look at your watch an hour into the movie and go, "Crap, I have another hour and a half to go." Here are some random things that went through my head when I was watching the movie:
  • Wow, Megan Fox is hot.
  • I'd much rather have watched the cartoon version of this movie.
  • Which Transformer is that?
  • I wish I was watching Armageddon; at least that movie got me more fired up at the end.
  • What is with all these one-liners?
  • I wish I was at home continuing the 7th season of "24."
  • Why does it smell so funky in this movie? Is it the fat guy next to me?
  • I'm not watching another IMAX movie again unless it was made for IMAX.
  • Boy, I'm glad Michael Bay isn't doing a 3rd one.
  • I don't remember a Transformer named "Fallen."
  • Why hasn't Shia and Megan's character died from all the shit flying around?
  • Megan Fox has bad complexion.
  • I wonder if I'll hit traffic due to the gay pride parade going on outside?


Special Reports said...

I saw this on Megan Fox's website also with another video of her David Letterman visit.

Unknown said...

I agree with you on just about everything you mentioned, although I did find the movie enjoyable.

The movie did go on a bit too long and scenes could have been easily cut/removed. Oh, and when were Transformers able to take human form?! Decepticons fighting for Autobots, super-hyper Optimus Prime - it seemed like they just threw whatever they wanted into the movie with reckless abandon. Ridonkulous!

Then again, a slow-motion Megan Fox and excessive explosions were pretty entertaining.