Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rachel Getting Married

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

As you all know, Anne Hathaway was nominated for an Oscar for her role in this movie. I haven't seen Kate Winslett's performance yet, but Anne really did a great job in this movie. As for the movie itself, I really enjoyed it. It's about a woman (Anne's character) who just got out of rehab to attend her sister's wedding. Near the beginning of the movie, I was a little upset at the casting director for casting such an ugly guy to be the groom. I mean, the bride was a very attractive woman, and so that mismatch kind of disturbed me. But as I watched it some more, because he was so ugly, it made the movie even more endearing. However, near the end of the movie, I started to get mad at the movie because it tried too hard to be "indie," "eccentric," "cute," or any other synonym. There was no need for the Indian and African themed wedding. There was no need for the token Asian couple. There was no need for the groom to even be black. The movie was supposed to be about Anne's character, and I felt all that unnecessary "fluff" made it distracting. The movie just seemed to try too hard. However, the ending wrapped up pretty nicely, and so it got back to being on my good graces. Good movie. Quirky but good.

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