Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Other Boleyn Girl

Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Midnight

So I skipped working out to watch this movie. It was actually a tougher decision than you'd think. But I've queued up quite a bit of new movies that I do need to plow through. I honestly didn't think I'd be able to stay awake for this one since I started it at 10:30PM, but surprisingly, I was wide awake the whole time. The movie was very gripping. I mean, how can you go wrong with Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman, right? The funny thing is that when Scarlett, who is in my Top 5 of all time, was in the same scene as Natalie, who I always thought was cute but not Top 10 worthy, Natalie blew her away. I spent a good 30 minutes trying to figure out why Natalie was hotter than Scarlett in this movie. I was trying to compare jaw structure, facial complexion, fullness of the face, hair, etc, and no one reason stood out. Natalie just simply looked better than Scarlett. It blew my mind.

Enough about Scarlett and Natalie, the movie kept me awake because it was a weird, quirky, morbid movie. It was like "Girl with a Pearl Earring" meets "Wild Things" meets "Hulk" meets "Jerry Springer." The plot was just crazy, and the twists and turns were even crazier. By the end of the movie, I wondered if it was all made up because things got so absurd. Here's the jist - Eric Bana plays the King of England, and when his queen couldn't give him a son, he went seeking out some young pootie tang that could give him a son. That's when Natalie and Scarlett, 2 sisters, fight for his affection. That's all you need to know. Get ready for the rollercoaster ride!

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