Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Eye

Point I Fell Asleep: 1:05 out of 1:37 (67%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

First off, I'm not a fan of scary movies. I can deal with movies like "Saw," but no "The Grudge" type movies please. But this one had Jessica Alba, THE HOTTEST woman on the planet...or at least 2 years ago, she was. And really, how scary can a movie with JAB be? Honestly, the movie had maybe 2-3 "scary" moments at best. The other 1:36 hours, however, were AWEFUL. Oh man, this movie was bad. Here's the jist - a blind girl gets a cornea transplant and starts seeing creepy stuff. That's all you need to know.

Why is it that there hasn't been a good scary movie since "Friday the 13th" or "Nightmare on Elm Street?" Those movies made me not want to shower for a week or be home alone for a second. Or maybe I just grew up and not scared easily these days. I mean, the last decent scary movies were what...."The Ring" and "The Grudge?" And both movies were Asian remakes, just like this one. Have American writers given up on this genre? It's just sad that 95% of American movies these days are either action, drama, or comedies.

Okay, now let's talk about Jessica. If you had never seen her before and this was the first time you were exposed to her, you'd think she was average AT BEST. Homegirl did not look hot in this movie at all. She just needs to stick to movies that show off her body. I mean, besides the "Dark Angel" series, what is she really known for? She was in "Into the Blue," "Sin City," and "Fantastic Four." What did those 3 movies had in common? She was in a bikini, she was in a sexy cowboy getup, and she wore spandex. I read a year ago that she wanted to do more serious movies so that she wouldn't always be portrayed as a sex symbol? Huh? That's like when MJ went to go play baseball. And we all know how that turned out...

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