Monday, June 30, 2008


Point I Fell Asleep: 0:50 out of 1:28 (57%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Alright, first of all, let me tell you that I was watching this movie in 90 degree heat with no AC, so surely, I couldn't fall asleep, right? NOPE! Hayden Christensen is now the new "white man's Tyrese." You guys know Tyrese...the WORSE actor of our generation. Hayden's performance was worse than Seth Rogen, the former "white man's Tyrese." Worse than Vin Diesel. Worse than Tyrese himself....almost! I don't know what happened to him... he wasn't that bad in Star Wars... Then Samuel Jackson was only decent in the movie; not a fan of him with white hair. Rachel Bilson's hotness couldn't distract from Hayden's unemotional one-liners. Diane Lane only appeared for like 5 minutes throughout the movie. Oh man, the movie was so promising too. This is an example of how bad acting can kill a movie.

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