Friday, July 13, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man 3D


Remind me to be 30 minutes late to the next Spiderman "reboot."  Why?  Because it's the same first 30 minutes every time - wimpy Peter Parker getting picked on at school, goes on a field trip, gets bit by a radioactive spider, and then learning his newfound skills.  Seriously, I'm tired of the same 30 minutes over and over.  Other than that, I thought this version was just eye-candy.  I think the 3D did add to the enjoyment of the movie because if it wasn't for the 3D, I most likely would have fallen asleep.  And I think Emma Stone's stock didn't necessarily fall or rise with this movie (just like Kirsten Dunst's stock didn't necessarily rise or fall with Mary Jane).  All in all, I think I liked the other Spiderman series better (more meat; less eye-candy.)

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