Sunday, July 20, 2008

Drillbit Taylor

Point I Started Fast Forwarding: 1:25 out of 1:49 (78%)
Location: Home
Time I Started Movie: Primetime

Now this is a first -- I didn't actually fall asleep in this movie, but the movie was just so damn UNFUNNY that I starte fastforwarding through it. GAWD, I wanted to shoot myself in the face because the movie was so bad! I knew it was a bad sign when I saw that it was a Seth Rogen/Jude Apatow movie. The movie reminded me so much of "Knocked Up" because I started watching that Apatow movie, and it got to be so boring, I literally stopped watching it after 30 minutes. I was wishing I had fallen asleep through this movie, and as you can tell, I'm still so angry at this movie cuz it was JUST NOT FUNNY. I'm about to start banning all these Seth Rogen/Apatow movies after this. If "Pineapple Express" sucks, then be prepared for my ban. Seriously, DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!

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